A core specialty is the preparation of tax returns for individual taxpayers. Over the years literally 1000's of Federal and State returns have been prepared and filed.
Small business tax return preparation and filing instructions is a core service offered to our clients. Whether your company is a Limited Liability Company, Partnership or Sole Proprietor a properly prepared tax return can be filed to minimize the tax owed. Over the years, 100's of small business Federal and State tax returns have been prepared for both service and manufacturing company clients.
Preparers Pledge
Our Promise to You
Get the Biggest Refund
Fast Cash Advance
Get up to $7,000 within 24hrs in advance after tax preparation starting Jan-6 till March 15. The loan is repaid from your federal or state income tax refunds once approved. Please only book using this link if you are interested in the Cash Advance.
Tax Preparation
Please only book using this link if you are not interested in the Fast Cash Advance.
Examination of your tax document to see which filing status would be in your best interest as well as analyze credits and deductions you may qualify for.
Mobile App Tax Preparation
Visit our mobile app Tax Pass and get started on your tax return. Use QR CODE: PFKBBTV5 to connect to our tax office.
Please be available via phone or zoom at the appointment time requested. You will receive a Zoom ID to join the conference. If you are only available via phone will will contact you at that time. Please upload all documents via the mobile app or email to excellenttaxpros@gmail.com
Single College Student Return
In order to qualify for college discount student must file single with no dependents, and be enrolled full time. No exceptions. This is for College students ONLY.
Allow us to correct mistakes on a tax return you've already filed by filing an amended tax return.
Foreign Credit Evalution
The foreign tax credit is available to anyone who either worked in a foreign country or has investment income from a foreign source.
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